Installation & concert 

music by Giacinto Scelsi

Jannis Kounellis left Greece, where he was born, at the age of twenty and moved to Italy where he still lives and works, after contributing to the renewal of art in the sixties. When Kounellis helds his first solo exhibition at the gallery La Tartaruga Italian, in 1960, he was still frequenting at the Academy, but he already had clear where he was going: to the involvement of the public, essential to complete the work of art. His research, which began by painting naked and pure, breaks through the limits of painting and flows early in the rejection of traditional media. The next step is the turning point is the performance and the use of organic and inorganic materials, which still refer to reality, such as iron, wood, coal, jute, live animals, pieces of flesh. In 1969 exhibits of live horses from Fabio Sargentini, in Rome, and is the ideal conflict between culture and nature, in which the artist is reduced to a marginal role of author and the work is realized in participation and in the relationship between public and work .



Giacinto SCELSI   Pwyll

Giacinto SCELSI  Suite N. 8 (due movimenti)

Giacinto SCELSI Quays 

Giacinto SCELSI   Quattro Illustrazioni delle metamorfosi di Vishnu
I. Shésha - Shàyi Vishnu 
II. Varaha - Avatàra
III. Rama - Avatàra 
IV. Krishna - Avatàra


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